About Me

Hi, I am Marie Doman. I was born in Guyana. I have four siblings. My dad past away by committed suicide and my mom now lives with me here in the USA. I accepted Jesus since I was about eight years old and never regret giving him my life. He did not only save me, but my two sisters and one brother are serving the Lord except for my youngest brother who is not saved but calls himself a Christian. I hope and pray he will come to the Lord very soon. I am married, and we have two sons. Some of the things I did when I was a child is to ride bikes, to play in the streets and visit the farms.

The sugar estates own the village where I used to live, and they had concrete roads.   The street wasn't a busy one, and that's what makes it easier for us to ride our bikes. Everyone in the village used to live like families and there weren't strangers around. The people in my town do more walking or riding bikes than driving. My country is a tropical one, and it's always hot. As I child I love to rid my bike, and I would ride in the village if anyone needs to send someone to the shop I would go because I would get to ride a bike.

As children, we were able to play in the streets with our neighbor's children because our parents would permit us to play outside. I enjoy playing hopscotch, land tennis, hid and seek and many more other funds games.

I remember when my grandmother was alive she used to take us to the farm about two miles from our home, and I would enjoy going with her because she would feed us every hour when she takes a break. I watch my grandmother plant rice and vegetables, and it was fun being with her on the farm. She also had lots of chicken, ducks, and pigs.


  1. Marie,

    Great picture. You have a lovely family! Do you have any family left in Guyana? Have you been back for a visit? You sound like you had fun in the village where you grew up. It's wonderful having known that kind of lifestyle growing up. Chickens are fun to chase around!

    1. Yes, I do have my two brothers and one sister still living there, and my oldest sister lives in French Guiana. I was there in the summer for my niece's wedding. Also, my sister and her husband are pastoring a church there. Its the second time I visited my country since I've been here. I visit Trinidad, Suriname, French Guiana, and Guyana. We enjoy French Guiana very much because the beach was like five minutes from my sister's house. It was fun living in Guyana.

  2. Hello Marie it is nice to meet you. You have a beautiful family and beautiful past time stories, especially the one about your grandmother. Those are the memories that stay with us forever. Someday I would love to visit Guyana because I grew up hearing stories from another family I know that is also from there. Your testimony is awesome that you and your family have been saved. I also have family members who are not saved but I hope and pray that they will be.


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